Free Hypnosis Scripts

Tinnitus can be a persistent problem or it can come and go. For many people, the sound can be so loud that it interferes with their ability to concentrate or hear external sounds. Ultimately, it’s caused by hearing loss that may be caused by a host of other conditions, like circulatory issues, an ear infection, …

How to Pronounce Tinnitus

There are two ways that people pronounce tinnitus. While both are generally accepted, only one way is technically correct. The two ways are, with an emphasis on the capitalized syllable: Tin-NITE-us“ Tin-uh-tus First, lets check a definition of tinnitus from the Mayo Clinic: Tinnitus is usually caused by an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing …

Treating Tinnitus with Hypnosis

Is tinnitus disrupting your life? Does it make you feel anxious and stressed? Whether you experience tinnitus once in a while, or deal with it all the time, it can be a very frustrating condition. A constant ringing in the ears can make you feel helpless and out of control, no matter how hard you …

Tinnitus Natural Remedies

Tinnitus is not the new kid on the block. The condition has existed for centuries and was recorded to affect people as early as the 1600s. Some very famous people had a struggle with the condition. Beethoven, who composed such beautiful music, wrote about his ears constantly whistling and buzzing. Michelangelo, famous for his beautiful …

Are There Cures for Tinnitus?

People joke about earworms or voices in our heads, but when it comes to ringing in the ears, that’s no laughing matter for the millions who have tinnitus. Thankfully, there are treatment options available to manage or cure the condition. A safe and simple solution to start with is through home treatment options. These are …

Stress and Tinnitus

Stress is something we all have to live with. It’s how we deal with what goes on in our lives that matters. Stress can be associated with both good and bad events. For example, celebrating the birth of a child or making a move to a new state can both be happy events. But even …

What Causes Tinnitus?

Though tinnitus can develop at any time, researchers have been able to identify several common factors among those who have the condition. Within the ear, each person has a nerve that enables hearing. At the end of that nerve are tiny nerve endings. When those tiny nerve endings get damaged, the results can be tinnitus …

What Is Tinnitus?

The senses we have were made so that we can all enjoy life at its fullest. We see the beauty of a sunset, smell the crisp scent of woodsmoke and we can hear the trill of birds or the sounds of our favorite music. But for some people, there’s a condition that can interfere with …